Chocolate Cake with Coffee and Maple Frosting, outrageously simple birthday cake idea

Eating / Thursday, July 25th, 2013

It was Martin’s birthday last week and I decided, on the day, to make a cake for us to have that afternoon and I was ecstatic with how it turned out. I haven’t made many new dishes since I have been back visiting family, so this was a treat for me too, I love to bake. Glad I tried the oven out before with the muffins as it does differ a little from my oven at home, so I had to keep an eye on it so it didn’t overcook and it turned out almost like a brownie consistency, luscious!

I went all out and made a quick frosting to pop on top, which of course I had to make almost double what I needed, I kept the rest in a bowl in the fridge and just smothered more on the cake when I served it, so tasty!

Off to a fashion show tomorrow which I’m looking forward to, will take my camera and practice my photography, there is a dinner afterwards to so us girls are making a night of it, no idea what I’m going to wear….

Chocolate Cake with Coffee and Maple Frosting (vegan & gluten free)
MyInspiration Feel The Difference Range
Serves 8 – ready in 90 minutes (including cooling)

2 cups self raising flour (I used Asda’s Free From Range which is Gluten Free)
3 tbsp cocoa powder
4 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp vegan margarine (melted in the microwave)
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1.5 cups water
1/4 cup vegan chocolate chips


1/4 cup vegan margarine
1 tbsp your favourite instant coffee mixed with 1 tsp warm water)
1/2 tbsp maple syrup
3 cups icing sugar

Handful of dark chocolate chips to decorate the top


1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees celcius and lightly oil a 9″ round cake tin.

2. In a small bowl, combine the melted margarine, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar and water, then in a separate large mixing bowl, combine the flour and cinnamon and add the wet ingredients to the the dry, add in the chocolate chips and fold the mixture together, it should be a loose batter (add a little more water if too swift), pour into the cake tin and bake for 30 – 40 minutes until a skewer comes out clean. Carefully remove from cake tin and cool completely (otherwise the frosting just melts off).

3. To make the frosting, cream together the vegan margarine and icing sugar, then slowly whip in the coffee and maple syrup, make sure the frosting is nice and thick so it easily spreads over the cake, then you can just add the chocolate chips in any design you want, or grate over some dark chocolate, whatever you like really, or you could just leave it plain, still delicious.

** This will keep nicely in the fridge for a couple of days if you have any left over.

2 Replies to “Chocolate Cake with Coffee and Maple Frosting, outrageously simple birthday cake idea”

  1. I just finished making this cake… if that’s what you want to call it. I think you should look over the recipe you typed, because something is horribly wrong with it. The cake it produced was nothing like the picture, and nothing edible for that matter. (The frosting was delicious)

    Please fix. I want this cake badly.

    1. So sorry, sloppy work from me, there is 1 and a half cups of water in this recipe not a fifth of a cup, it must have been rock hard (or you could use half water and half orange juice if you preferred a slightly different taste to it). Y

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