It’s been almost 2 months now since I started following the clean vegan diet and the changes in my body are still amazing me. Not only have I made a big impact on my atopic dermatitis but having cut out all “non foods” from my diet has given me a surprising benefit. NO MORE PMS OR CRAMPS!
It’s a bit embarrassing to talk about this on our blog, but I had to say something in case it might help others who, like me, suffer horrendously on a monthly basis. Not only did I not have any menstrual cramps but there was no back pain, no bloating, no bad/tetchy mood etc and it completely amazed me, as I’ve always had the most shocking cramps that leave me curled up in a ball and grabbing the paracetamol for pain relief. This has been the same for 20 years, without fail, so I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my diet has made this monthly nightmare into a pain free and easier experience. I’m over the moon and just had to share this with all the women out there who it may help.
Might not work for everyone, I’m just going on my own experience and having read up on this I’ve seen many other blogs and testimonials where other women have had the same benefit as me. So try cutting out meat, dairy & processed foods from your diet and see how you get on!
Hey thanks for the great tip!!! I wanted to know if the pain will go away by a great diet! Thanks for sharing your testimony! I am starting tmrw, can’t wait because my pain is unbearable !!!
Thanks sooo much!!
I had the same experience, my monthly symptoms completely went away, as did my seasonal allergies, which were devastating for a week or so a couple times a year. It truly is amazing how my vegan diet has improved my health in so many ways!