New York, New York!

Travel / Friday, September 19th, 2014

I’m not sure I can relate to “paper/blog” everything we did on our trip to New York. Even going through all our photos, all 1600 of them (… hey I like to take photos) it feels like it was someone else that was there. Never would I have imagined myself to be walking the streets of New York, but we did, we walked Broadway, 5th Avenue, Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street and a lot of other streets and avenues. We did a whole lot of walking!

New York is normally on most people’s “Bucket List”, and before I never really understood why. Perhaps because I never really thought I’d be in a position to actually go to the place myself I didn’t have it on the radar as a “must visit” location. But I was super excited when hubby made the decision to celebrate a big birthday in the Big Apple. It was very last minute and purely because there was a good deal on flights at the time, we thought, what the hey, let’s do it.

Never, ever, could I have dreamed of a more fantastic place to visit. It had everything we love, long walks, beautiful parks, coffee shops, the theatre and then there was our introduction to Vegan food on a whole new scale.

I was overwhelmed, in a positive way, with all the new foods I got to try out, from arranging my own dishes made from fabulous ingredients from Wholefoods, to sampling the delicious menus of places like Blossom Du Jour, Cinnamon Snail, The Green Radish and Terri’s. My culinary experiences were fast and furious and I loved it. LOVED it. Knowing that when you walked into a place everything on the menu was available to you, no double checking if there was any hidden milk, cheese or eggs in the ingredients. Joy!

But our travels are not centred on food, it’s seeing new things, meeting new people and relishing everything the world has in it.

New York surprised me in so many different ways, from the random New Yorker who stopped to help us find the subway station and then telling us how great the place was and things we should do, he emitted a genuine love of his own city, it was great to see, to the people who took the time to sit in the street and read to the homeless, my goodness, it was uplifting and heart warming to see. The place just felt “right”, I can’t think of a better term.

I’ll post more on the places we visited and how we spent a glorious 6 days in New York City, including our trip to the Theatre to see James Franco and Chris O’Dowd, the 9/11 memorial, strolling the High Line, walking over the Brooklyn Bridge, SoHo on a Sunday afternoon, riding the subway, the breathtaking views from 30 Rock, Times Square, Ghost Buster’s HQ, the topless protest in Bryant Park and the free comedy shows in Washington Square Park. So many things!!! Start spreading the news…..

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