Victors, how aptly named!
This was my first foray into the world of ‘Restaurant Week’ in Newcastle and I spent quite a bit of time researching where to go, as there were so many places to choose from. I really wanted a menu that jumped out at me and with a long list to get through, it was going to take some time to decide! Or so I thought. After a chat with someone who actually knows the lay of the land here, they mentioned this restaurant Victors which was on their list to visit and after asking Mr Google some details, I found that, not only were they on Restaurant Week, they also had some truly amazing sounding vegan options, which, as it happened, jumped out at me!
Typically, I managed to pick one of the hottest days to walk to the Quayside, so was glowing by the time I got to the restaurant. I decided to go for lunch, much easier when dining solo. I was greeted by a wonderfully cheery member of staff who took my name, asked if I’d like to dine inside or out on the terrace, now I would normally jump at the chance for some al fresco dining, but I opted for indoors. I shall tell you for why, the interior of Victors is quite simply gorgeous, the whole space just makes you want to smile and you get the instant feeling of being somewhere that little bit different.

I deliberately picked 2pm as I thought it would be late enough to miss the lunch rush and I would be finished up before the evening diners start to come in, so it was peaceful, but to be fair, I think even when busy, the seating is so well arranged that you don’t feel like you’re crammed in. I like that. I like that a lot.
I had been swithering on the walk down about what I was going to order. When there’s 2 courses involved, I normally opt for main and dessert, but this time the starter sounded delicious too, so I was going to have to make a snap decision when ordering.
I had a bottle of water brought to the table, just to cool myself down really and I had another quick look at the menu, just in case there were any last minute changes and I went for it. Miso & Harissa Roasted Vegetables for the main and the Coconut & Lemongrass Panna Cotta for dessert, and to drink, I had the Light & Stormy (drink not included in the £20 deal for 2 courses). I sat back and took in my surroundings whilst waiting on my food to arrive.
The restaurant’s signature theme are the pink wisteria trees that run up the walls and hang from the ceiling, coupled with some pretty impressive interior design decisions, including the gorgeous mirrors, art deco style chandeliers and the soft furnishing colour palette, all lends itself to a feeling of luxurious indulgence.

My main course arrived very promptly and it was a plate of art. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this was just beautiful to look at. The thought that went into the dish, the textures, the flavours, the presentation, blew me away. It can be difficult when working with aubergines and courgettes to make them into fine dining, but teamed with the soy herb yoghurt which gave a burst of delicious freshness and then the crunch of the pomegranate and pine nuts, it was a taste sensation and I loved every single mouthful.
Then came my dessert. I’ve never actually had panna cotta before, so really don’t have a benchmark for what it should taste like. But this was lovely. A delicate dessert that kicked it up a notch with the little squares of roasted pineapple and smattering of black and white sesame seeds. Didn’t really get the flavour of lemongrass coming through, but that might just be my tastebuds, however, it was genuinely beautiful to eat.
To round things off, I couldn’t leave without having my usual double espresso. Again, I was intrigued to taste their offerings, I always think it’s the sign of a fabulous restaurant, when they also have great coffee and Victors, again, ticked all my boxes.
So 10/10 for food, coffee, ambience and service. If you are in the Toon and are looking for somewhere that will be memorable, then Victors has you covered.
I can’t wait to go back.
*Apologies for the photo quality, I only had my phone with me!
Note: Thank you for taking the time to read this, as those of you who follow MyInspiration will know, this is my first actual post since I lost Martin. He would have loved Victors, but he would more than likely have opted to sit outside! These days, for me, I find going out for lunch is a little easier than dinner when you are a solo diner, I feel that I can blend in more with the other restaurant guests. It’s still very difficult, but I have to try to push myself, and I like to keep doing the things that I know we would have done together, it keeps Martin with me always.