Superfood Buddha Bowl, heaven on a plate.

Eating / Friday, March 8th, 2013

The Buddha Bowl is just a fantastic name for a dish and this plate of delicious-ness is just screaming to be shared and made time and time again.

I made this dish last night for dinner in less than 25 minutes and there was loads of it, so much so we’re having some for lunch today as well, which I am very much looking forward to. Plus, it’s effectively the weekend, so I’m going to be baking this afternoon, I’m thinking along the lines of some Spiced Chocolate Orange Cookies… just reading the words is making me very hungry!

I might also be hungry after a serious boot camp workout this morning, it was tough! I was knackered but I feel amazing and I’m just bursting with energy with a big smile on my face! Yes, I am hungry… I’m going to have to have lunch now, it’s early but I need it!

I’ll get back to you on today’s cookies!

Superfood Buddha Bowl

Superfood Buddha Bowl

MyInspiration Feel The Difference Range

Serves 4 (or 2 as a main meal and 2 lunches)


1 1/2 cups of Bulgur Wheat (you can use Quinoa, but Martin doesn’t like it much)

2 1/2 cups of vegan stock

1 tsp Basil

1 can brown lentils drained and rinsed (or dry lentils soaked for 3 hours)

1 Red onion sliced

1 large yellow pepper, diced

12 cherry tomatoes (preferable still on the vine)

3 tbsp Pomegranate seeds (I used half a pomegranate)

Small handful of raisins

Small handful of Pumpkin Seeds

1 tsp red chili flakes

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 Avocado Sliced



1. Prepare the bulgur wheat by adding 2 and a half cups of vegan stock to 1 and a half cups of bulgur wheat and bringing to the boil, reduce heat to a simmer, add the basil and allow the bulgur to cook for 7 minutes before turning off the heat completely, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes so it can cook by itself.

2. Pop 3/4 of the cherry tomatoes on a baking tray and pop this under the grill for 5- 7 minutes until they start to blister, then remove from heat and set aside.

3.While the buglur is cooking, prepare everything else, chop the red onion, the yellow pepper, peel and chop the avocado, cut the remaining cherry tomatoes into quarters, get the seeds out of the pomegranate (just cut the pomegranate in half and use a small fork to get the seeds out) drain the lentils and rinse them.

4. Once the bulgur is ready, transfer to a big pot then add everything else you’ve prepared (apart from avocado), drizzle over the balsamic, add the chili flakes, pumpkin seeds and raisins and toss together, I served my avocado on the side of the plate, but you can mix this through as well if you like. Serve immediately. Any leftovers can be kept in a tupperware box and kept in the fridge for the next day.



2 Replies to “Superfood Buddha Bowl, heaven on a plate.”

    1. I love the sound of your goddess bowl, I can’t get my hands on kale here, but I try my best with the alternatives they have!

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