Deliriously Decadent Chocolate Almond Fudge Cakes

Eating / Sunday, June 9th, 2013

I was just messing about in the kitchen yesterday and looking to jazz up my dark choc chip cupcakes, which I LOVE by the way, but wanted to see if I could alter them slightly, so I thought I’d make them slightly more dense, less cupcake, more brownie I suppose. I didn’t expect them to come out so “fudgey” and I’m delighted with the result. You don’t even need to make them into separate cakes, like I’ve done, you could just pop all the mixture into a lined baking tray and slice into squares if it’s easier for you.

I had to bulk buy my buckwheat flour as my local shop seems to have stopped getting it in, which is a shame, so I need to head out to the main supermarket, which I don’t do very often, but I just have to have my buckwheat, pretty much all of my cakes are made with buckwheat so I need it! Which reminds me, I’m nearly out of Gram Flour…and I now think I remember them being out of that, drat! Poor planning on my part, should have done a stock check to see what I needed before I went on my “big shop”.

I’m currently reading The Hobbit and I am very surprised at just how dark the book is, I always thought it was for kids, but I think they would be scared witless with some of the chapters! I am enjoying the book though, so might even have a go at The Lord of the Rings as well. My Flannery O’Connor short stories has arrived, so looking forward to starting that, I might take that on holiday with me next week.

Almond fudge muffins

Chocolate Almond Fudge Cakes (Vegan & Gluten Free)

MyInspiration Feel The Difference Range

Makes 6 cakes – ready in 30 minutes


1 cup buckwheat flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

3/4 cup non dairy milk (I used almond milk) mixed with 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar

3 tbsp maple syrup

3 tbsp cocoa powder

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup almonds finely chopped



1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius and line a muffin tray with 6 cases

2. In a bowl combine the almond milk and vinegar and let this sit for a minute or 2 before adding in the maple syrup and stirring together.

3. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, cocoa and chopped almonds, then add the wet ingredients tot he dry and fold together, if it’s too dry add a little more milk but you should be fine. Then spoon the mixture in the cake cases and pop in the oven for 20 minutes, you’ll be able to smell the deep aroma of the cocoa cooking, it’s fabulous!

If you can wait, let your cakes cool slightly, but who am I kidding, get the kettle on and enjoy one while it’s still warm, or serve it in a bowl with some homemade ice cream and a swirl of maple syrup on top! Oh my goodness I think I just swooned



2 Replies to “Deliriously Decadent Chocolate Almond Fudge Cakes”

  1. Oh my goodness, these are so amazing! <3 Thanks for the super simple recipe–totally turned out I already had all these ingredients in my house. What a lovely treat~

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