Crumbly Almond Biscotti

Eating / Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

I have weened myself down to 1 sometimes 2 cups of coffee a day and really would love to have a cheeky biscotti with every cup, but that would just be silliness… or would it, it feels like the right thing to do..!!! I haven’t had biscotti in a long time, I used to have them with my skinny latte back in the day, I can now have my soy latte but alas, no biscotti, so it’s up to me to make my own… wonder if I could sneak them in and eat them if I’m out at a coffee shop!

This recipe is fantastically easy, they do take slightly longer than normal biscuits but that’s how you get the great crunch to them, I made this batch up and we got 6 biscotti, but really, it should be 12, we were just incredibly excited about the first batch that we got greedy and made them massive!

Completely forgot what day I was on yesterday, was thinking that today is Wednesday, so in fact I didn’t have Yoga and Bootcamp this morning, that’s tomorrow, instead I had my Spin class, I need to get there earlier next time as it was packed out and I very nearly didn’t get a bike, but luckily there was space for me, so I got a great workout and then headed to the main studio to fit in another quick kettlebell workout, I really feel a difference in my shoulders and arms, really trying to increase the strength in my biceps, slowly, slowly as they say!


Crumbly Almond Biscotti (vegan & gluten free)

MyInspiration Feel The Difference Range

Makes 12 biscotti (or 6 if you’re a gannet like me) – ready in under an hour


3 tbsp peanut butter

3 tbsp maple syrup

2 tsp almond extract

1 tbsp non dairy milk (I used almond milk)

1/4 cup of finely chopped almonds

1/2 cup oats

3/4 cup buckwheat flour

1/4 tsp baking powder



1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius and line a baking tray with parchment

2. In a mixing bowl cream together the peanut butter, maple syrup and vanilla extract, add the almond milk and the remaining ingredients and fold together, it should be quite a stiff mixture.

3. Turn the mixture out onto the lined baking tray and shape into a rectangle, about 14cm x 8cm and approx 1.5cm high and pop in the oven for 20 minutes, take out of the oven quickly and using a sharp knife slice up into your 12 servings and pop back in the oven for another 20 – 25 minutes until the biscotti feels very firm to the touch (careful you don’t burn your fingers), then just leave it to cool and stiffen some more. Serve with your favourite coffee!


9 Replies to “Crumbly Almond Biscotti”

    1. They were, I’ve also just been advised that they would be perfect dunked into a glass of Italian dessert wine… I might have to give that a go!

  1. So, 180 degrees celcius is about 356 degrees Fahrenheit. Americans use Fahrenheit, so about 350 degrees is correct?

    1. Hi there. If you don’t need gluten free, then I would probably use wholewheat flour, you can use just plain all purpose as well, but I tend not to use that anymore as I love buckwheat… as if you can’t tell! Hope this helps. Yx

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