Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Muffins


Here is the recipe for muffins where I have used rice flour, I was very intrigued with what the consistency would turn out like and I have to say I am pleased with them, I liked the denser texture and they were more “muffin” like than my cupcakes which is what I wanted. I am […]

July 8, 2013

Cinnamon Spiced Blueberry Muffins


Can you tell I’m using someone else’s kitchen… it’s all cakes and puddings just now! I’ve wanted to make blueberry muffins for such a long time and finally I’ve gone and done it! I shall hold my hands up now and say my first batch was a complete disaster, too much liquid and I overloaded […]

July 7, 2013

Herbed Potato Bean Burgers


Now here’s a recipe that gives you some great options… I made these burgers on Monday night and had them with cumin spiced potato wedges and I had 4 left over which I put in the fridge and the next day I made a veggieball spaghetti by breaking the left over burgers into 3 and […]

July 3, 2013