Hot and Spicy Chili Senza Carne


I had a real hankering for a hot chili yesterday, we’d already bought a big bag of tortilla chips and I had some beautiful hot red chillis just screaming to be used, so I put them to good use in this chili senza carne (chili without meat), I even flung in some jalapenos at the […]

June 10, 2013

Bhindi Bhaji with Mushroom Biryani (Okra Curry)


ooooooh!!!! Very excited to share this… I’ve tried to make a biryani before but it just didn’t quite turn out right, that is until last night. I took a little leaf out of my risotto recipe and made some modifications to cooking the rice and it worked an absolute treat, I am so pleased! I […]

June 7, 2013