As the previous post mentioned, we first saw Kirt Tyson when he appeared on a documentary, called Simply Raw, to take part in proving that nutrition can arrest and reverse diabetes. The documentary was absolutely mind blowing in the results they had in just a few days, with 6 volunteers with both type 2 and type 1 diabetes, just by changing their diet to purely raw food.
Many of the volunteers who were in the programme started off on insulin and a whole list of other pills to help them get through the day, but in keeping up such a regimented intake of medication it caused many of them to be unhappy with their day to day lives and their dependency on their medications was more a burden than a blessing. In taking part in the documentary, it showed that they were ready for a change, to try something which they can control themselves, naturally.
The stand out volunteer was most definitely Kirt Tyson, his affable personality and also his willingness to fully immerse himself into the diet was really quite inspiring, you could just tell from his demeanor that he was there to learn everything he could and he willingly provided support and reassurances to those in the group who doubted their own abilities in changing their diets. So many people these days are too self involved, however, this young man showed a human kindness that is sometimes lost in today’s society.
It is sometimes infuriating to watch people on these types of programmes, who know, without a doubt, that their diets are killing them, obese people, diabetics, heart disease patients etc, yet they still can’t give up the food that’s bad for them. I can’t imagine that a pizza tastes nicer than the thought of an extra 10, 15, 20 years of life.
People today seem to think they are denying themselves the finer things in life when they shun the modern western diet of fast food and sugar laden products, they’re not. All they are doing, in continuing the way they eat, is denying themselves a long, healthy life that can be spent with friends and family, instead of regular visits to the doctor or the hospital or stuck in bed feeling sick and depressed.
Kirt truly embraced the raw food diet, knowing that in doing so he could become healthy and happy. What was also great to see, was him putting that passion for his own health and his clear ability to help others in to good use. Coming out of the Simply Raw programme and training to become a doctor in Naturopathic Medicine showed his commitment to making a difference, not only in his own life, but in others who need his help.
So I for one, am now a big fan of Dr Kirt Tyson and wish him tremendous luck in the future.
He will be speaking at the next Health, Healing, Happiness conference at Springs Reserve in Las Vegas on June the 8th, so if you get the chance, go along and see for yourself what a difference incorporating Raw Food into your diet can make.
I thought that our diet was healthy before, I was sadly mistaken, I’d swallowed all the nonsense that advertising sold me, “eat this, it’s 0% fat, or eat that it’s high in fibre and good for you” (but don’t look too closely at the ingredients, ‘cos you probably can’t pronounce any of them let alone fathom out what they are).
Well I feel I’ve ranted a bit, but it’s only because more people should take notice of what they are feeding themselves, their families, their children. The food we’re programmed to eat by today’s society, processed, GM, Junk food is killing us.. FACT.