Simple and Zesty Cinnamonbread Men


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Well, with only 5 days to go I suppose it better! To help me get more in the festive spirit, I’ve just gone out and bought some mincemeat for my Christmas mince pies, which I’ll be baking this weekend, so we can kick back on Christmas Eve […]

December 20, 2017

Vegan in Edinburgh, it’s simple, it’s delicious!


Being vegan in Edinburgh is awesome! I could just leave it there, as most vegans in Edinburgh will already know what I’m talking about.  But for those who are perhaps new to this incredible city or are planning a holiday here, then I thought I would share some of my top “go to” places should […]

August 20, 2017

Vegan in Paphos


It used to be, not that long ago in fact, when we had to make do with a village salad minus the feta cheese, or spend a week or two eating veggie burgers in order to dine out with friends and family in Paphos. But oh how things have changed! Paphos has now become quite […]

June 8, 2017

Wardrobe Detox – Starting on my minimalist journey!


It’s true what they say, when you clear your house/wardrobe you clear more space in your mind. It sounds so strange that things you have can be weighing you down, yet I have found it to make total sense. Subconsciously all that clutter has been waiting to stress you out! I’ve had clothing stored in […]

May 9, 2017