Popped Quinoa Chocolate & Goji Berry Treats


I felt like being a big kid again and making my own version of a rice crispy treat, but this time using popped quinoa. I love it, the taste is just delicious and it’s just a nice quick way of making a little snack to keep in the fridge and nibble on when you want […]

March 12, 2014

Veggie Irish Stew and Dumplings


Right, I should probably start by saying that the last few recipes have been great big portions and are quite calorific, this is ONLY because we have increased our daily activity for our Legion Run training and we want to make sure that we are eating sufficient to cover our daily needs. So if you […]

March 11, 2014

It’s an epic adventure, roaming Italy in 2014


When we decided to go back to Italy this year for a holiday, I don’t think even we imagined how amazing it would. We love Italy, be it the bustling streets of Rome to the more sedate wanderings around the porticoes of Bologna. Previously we’ve been to Italy on short breaks but this time, we […]

March 7, 2014

Super Quick and Healthy Veggie Delight Power Bowl


Back into the swing of things again, restocked the cupboards and cooking some fabulously healthy meals again. I wanted to try something a little different with my buddha style bowl this week and opted to add in some fruit and mint for a little change. I wasn’t sure at first if I had gone a […]

March 6, 2014