Redesign or Upcycle old clothes

Fashion / Thursday, May 10th, 2012

I have been loving Pintrest and looking at all the fantastic recycling people do with clothes, furniture, accessories etc. There have been many, many times when I have got something from ebay etc and it’s arrived and it’s too big, far too short, or just doesn’t suit my shape and I tend to just give it away, but now I’m seriously thinking about taking my scissors to some items and making them into something I actually like and that I know without a doubt no one else will be wearing either!  My own fashion designer.

So I’ve decided to start small, maybe alter some over sized t-shirts, get some fabric paints and let my creative side shine! It’s really quite exciting and I’m looking forward to seeing what I can come up with.

I found Mari Santos (pic abov) and this woman is super talented, might see if I can work my way up to trying to completely recreate something fabulous from a tshirt, but I think it will take quite a while before I get there!

We all have to start somewhere though… I’m off to the haberdashery!


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